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Articles on Horror Genre Collection Development and Reader's Advisory for Librarians.
The Stand: A Case for Horror Graphic Novels for Adults in the Library
by Kirsten Kowalewski
April 6,2009
When it
comes to graphic novels in the library, the focus is generally on using
them to encourage literacy in teens, especially reluctant readers. It’s
a great strategy and justification for building a graphic novel
collection in a school library media center, but the “graphic novels are
for teens” mindset seems to have crossed over into public library
settings as well, which is too bad, because there are plenty of adults
who read them too. There are excellent graphic novels written in a
variety of genres, including the horror genre, and many of them are
written for adult audiences. Adult readers of graphic novels aren’t
necessarily “reluctant” to read novels any more than readers of novels
are reluctant to read graphic novels. Some people read and enjoy both.
Readers who have mainly read only one format, may just be comfortable
with what they’re already reading. Without a nudge, these readers might
not consider trying a different approach.
Right now there is a perfect opportunity for libraries to draw out and
even add to the adult audience for graphic novels. Marvel Comics has
released its hardcover edition of the graphic novel adaptation of
Stephen King’s book The Stand ONLY to the direct market. That
means it is not available from library wholesalers, bookstores, or even
Amazon.com. It either has to be purchased through a comics distributor
or from the local comic book store. The result is that very few
libraries will have it and some don’t even know about it- a friend of
mine who is a library director hadn’t even heard of the book, although
the direct-market release only is somewhat unusual. I wouldn’t have
known about it at all if I hadn’t read it in Publisher’s Weekly (you can
read the announcement at:
I don’t know how comic book shops are publicizing this, but I haven’t
heard a peep from any in my area. In fact, I was surprised that even at
TalesofWonder.com, The Stand wasn’t getting much publicity. It
seems like this is a book with the potential to increase the customer
base for graphic novels and for books, but nobody seems to be taking
advantage of it, or, if they are, they’re hiding their efforts pretty
Libraries and comic book stores close to each other could change this
and partner to draw in larger audiences for both venues using The
Stand. Libraries can showcase Stephen King’s novels, or apocalyptic
horror fiction, or horror novels that inspired graphic novels. Comic
book stores have a chance to let Stephen King fans know about the book’s
existence, introduce those who don’t know about them to the Dark
Tower graphic novels, and use the opportunity to get people who
perhaps haven’t read a graphic novel before interested in the format for
further reading opportunities. The comic book store owner could even
partner with the library to provide a program on graphic novels for
adult audiences!
I am not an authority on graphic novels or the business of
selling comic books, but as a librarian I do see an opportunity for
cross-promotion that could benefit the apparently unnoticed audience of
adult readers of graphic novels as well as fiction readers who aren’t
aware of or haven’t been introduced to the graphic novel format. My dad
is an excellent example of the second. He is a prolific reader who read
comic books as a kid, and likes Stephen King, but refuses to read
anything over 500 pages. A graphic novel format is a way for him to
experience The Stand, a book he would enjoy but otherwise will
never read. He wasn’t aware of this graphic novel, so I’ll have to see
how it works out for him, but in my opinion it’s an experiment worth
trying, and
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